Our very own Lindsey has obtained her GED as of yesterday! Please stop by and tell her congratulations and wish her well on her college endeavors. I may have been just a little excited when I pulled her results up on the computer.
Much to Lindsey's dismay, not only did I dance as bad as Elaine, I had trouble containing my excitement. I kept grabbing Lindsey's arm and shaking it saying "you passed you passed". I was then politely reminded by Lindsey she may need her arm when she goes to college. I released my death grip. She still has her arm and I have calmed slightly. She has no idea how excited I will be when she finishes her civics game.
yeah i passed and mel almost ripped my arm off but it's kool i still have my arm and i can't wait to go to college and to have my son on monday but i'm going to go read love ya lindsey