Monday, October 18, 2010

What Worries Me Most

I come from a long long line of worriers.  Yes, I am the product of a Warrior Worrier Family.  I would spend the day at my grandmother's when I was sick.  She would literally stare at me when she wasn't covering me up because I looked too cold, uncovering me because I looked to hot, feeding me because I looked weak, giving me a drink so I would not dehydrate, making sure I wasn't too close to the television so my eyes would not go bad, and so on.  My mom worried about everything as well.  If  I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night the questions would ensue:  Did you wash your hands?  Did you flush?  Is the toilet still running?  Are you sick?  Did you drink too much before you went to bed?  Are you sure you washed your hands?  My point being I was inundated with constant worry and anxiety I never really worried ever.

I think when you grow up with so much worry you either become just as bad or you do not worry at all; neither are good.  I believe to function you need to worry about the important not the improbable. A good healthy dose of worry about  paying bills, getting to work on time, your children being healthy, etc seems okay to me. 

I worry more as I grow older.  My sources of worry are not the color of the sky, December 27, 2012, whether or not the toilet is running, or worry of worries what if....  My worries are more about my children.  Are they getting enough sleep, are they doing well in school, am I being a good parent, can I make it to work on time so I can stay employed and take care of my children, how do I schedule all of their activities, will they go to college, will they be productive adults, etc.  I also worry about the girls I teach.  I worry if I am doing all I can for them, if they are learning, will they go on to college, will they be productive adults,etc. 

My advice, worry just do not let it take over your ever waking moment.  Don't worry about what you cannot change and if you worry about something you can change do what you have to do to change it.

Okay, I am done preaching today! 


Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Teacher!!!!

Most of you are ready to move on to Choosing a Topic if you haven't started it already.   Please make sure you complete all sections under Choosing a Topic including the blog assignment.  Here is an example of someone who is well on their way to completing their Choosing a Topic assignment.  Please follow her lead and get your assignment finished as well.

I have also noticed many of you did not complete your "What is Civics" and "Game Genre" blog assignments.  Here is an example of someone that completed both blog assignments.  I know I have not been blogging very much and I plan to rectify that immediately starting with this blog post.  If I expect you to be responsible I must model good behavior.   

Our biggest bumble, and yes, I said our, is the neglect of our learning logs.  This is mostly my fault, but we all will be remedying this immediately as well.  Okay, let's make me a happy teacher and all of you happy students.