Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Welcome to Globaloria

I know all of you are sitting here today wondering , "What the heck is Globaloria?" and "Melonie has finally lost her mind if she thinks she is going to make us program a computer game!". Globaloria is a social network for students and educators to learn and use social media to create their own games, wiki pages, and blogs. I know what is a social network? Most of you have My Space or Facebook, both of these are social networks. Globaloria allows us to connect with other students, educators, and professionals and become more technologically literate. Relax and keep an open mind and I promise you this will be not only educational, but fun. If you want to read more about Globaloria click here. At any time you can visit my blog and my wiki page. I look forward to visiting all of your blogs and wiki pages in the new future.

By the way Melonie lost her mind a long time ago and if she can make a game so can you.


  1. Melonie,

    Nice links to the WWWF info and your wiki & blog! Great way to make it interactive and allow the students to do some exploring early on. It looks like you really relate to your students well.

