Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Women's Suffrage in the United States

     Today, I found this entry in Wikipedia about Women's Suffrage in the United States.  Women's Suffrage is the "right of women to vote in elections" according to Encarta at MSN.com  As I read this article, I discussed it with some of the girls in my classroom (sorry girls it is going to be mandatory reading this week).  I was amazed at how cavalier some of them were about having the right to vote.  A few of them said they do not ever plan to vote.

     Not wanting to vote seems like choosing not to have a say in one's life.  I wonder if  these girls or anyone else for that matter that chooses not to vote realizes how choosing not to vote is essentially giving up control.  You may argue you have control over your daily life; where you eat, what you eat, where you work, how many children you have, etc., but in reality any of those things could change if our government would change.  You have a voice, use it to make choices beneficial for you, your family, your town, your county, your state, your country.
     In my mind, the right to vote is a right to not be taken lightly.  I try to instill this in my six daughters.  I take them with me when I vote.  I have and continue to explain how women did not always have the right to vote, for example, my great grandmother was not initially allowed to vote.
     My father spent his life in the U.S. Army, fought in Vietnam, served overseas, died while in service to this country--all to protect our rights including the right to vote.  My grandfather also protected our rights during World War II and my uncle during Vietnam.  I am sure all of you know or are related to someone that served in the military for this country. 
     Why do I vote?  I vote because I feel lucky to live in a country that allows me as a citizen as a woman to vote and gives me all the other freedoms I have just by being a citizen.  I vote out of respect for all that fought for my right to vote.  I vote to make changes I feel will be better for my family, friends, state, and country.  I vote because I love to express my opinion. I vote because it matters.  .


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