Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I have neglected my blog

....and I am going to do it again today.

Stay tuned

New post tomorrow

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Do you use facebook, myspace, or twitter? I think today many of us belong to social networking sites. Today is World HIV/AIDS Awareness Day and is recommending we all bring awareness to the crisis that is the spread of HIV/AIDS by posting the following as our status:

[your name] is facing AIDS for World AIDS day. To find a HIV test site, text your ZIP "KNOWIT" (566948) or visit . Join me and post this to your status today.

It is hard to believe we have been knowingly faced with this epidemic since the early 1980s in this country. Science has gone on to show that AIDS/HIV has been around since at least the early 1940s. 33 million people worldwide are living with HIV. Approximately 56,300 new HIV cases are diagnosed every year in this county. While HIV is not AIDS, it can develop into full blown AIDS over time. There is no cure for either HIV or AIDS. AIDS is fatal.

We as a nation, as a world need to do everything we can to prevent the spread of this disease and to find a cure for those millions and millions already affected. We should be compelled to end the suffering of others and to prevent the suffering of the millions that will follow.

We all know the basics of AIDS/HIV transmission prevention:
1. Do not come into contact with body fluids of another person (blood, semen, vaginal fluids)
2. Do not share "dirty" or "used" needles.
3. Practice universal precautions.
4. Practice safe sex and use a condom EVERY time.
5. Know your HIV status and get tested.
6. Ask your partner to be tested prior to engaging in sexual activity.

While these are just a few guidelines there is so much more information you need to be aware of when it comes to the spread of HIV/AIDS. Please take the time to go to and learn the facts. There are several links on the site and it provides a great deal of information.

Each and everyone of us should be concerned about the spread of this disease. How do you think each of us should respond or what could we do?